dream big

  • Something Big

    Every so often I get this feeling that something big is coming. It is typically not about me but in this moment something is in the air and I feel something big is coming. I have no absolute clue exactly hat is about to happen. Yet in my mind, I think it is going to be positive and about some serious breakthroughs or new developments for those around me. I promise I have no psychic abilities that I know of but there is this overwhelming energy around me about this. This is a short post but one I felt like sharing because this feeling, at least to me, is part…

  • Living in the Moment

    Full disclosure I absolutely struggle to do this: living in the moment. It makes sense though if you’ve read the tag line of this blog, I’m a dreamer! I’m constantly thinking of what is to come and will be. I think that is great in times of planning and preparing for the future but what about the current moment I’m in. It’s important too. It’s funny as a journaler (my made up word for one who journals) I love to reflect on the past and plan for the future. In more times than I prefer I look back and think about the things I should and could have done but…

  • Calling it Quits, When you’re not a Quitter

    Quitting, or the word quit as defined by dictionary.com has several different meanings ranging from stopping, leaving, to relinquish, to cease, to end, to depart, to resign, or to give up. I’ve never liked the idea of quitting and felt like giving up (which is part of the definition) however certain things should and must come to an end (another part of the definition). I think of your time in high school, college, a movie, a book: all of these things have a certain end when they cease to continue. Even this 100 day project has an end (its the 100th day). It’s easy or better yet inevitable to end…

  • Vision Board

    Today, was the day! My friend, Mayra, had her vision board networking event and it was such a great success! The space was packed with a wonderful group of people ready to embark on this intentional process. We reflected on past accomplishments, our mantras and set goals in all aspects of lives prior to getting to the crafty fun that came with creating our vision boards! All boards were gorgeous, creative, and completely unique to each person with their vision. You may see other boards from the day on the instagram but I will share my completed board with you all here! That’s all for today but I am definitely…

  • Going for it!

    Today, I just received some good inspiration and a reminder to go for it! What is it, you may ask? Well that is different for each person and changes at different seasons in one’s life. A few posts back I shared that I am working with my momma on going after some of her dreams and we have a few things in the making. However, today I became aware of something else this amazing woman is trying to do. Check out the video here to learn what she is going for and support. My momma who just celebrated a birthday yesterday has done some great things in her life and…

  • Vision

    Happy Sunday Y’all! Yesterday, I talked a bit about passion and today I want to talk about vision and the importance of casting it. According to Google vision can be both a noun or a verb. In noun form it may simply mean the ability to see or an experience of seeing something in a dream. As a verb, it means to imagine. This is my paraphrase version of course but I am a fan of all the definitions that Google shared with the verb definition being my favorite. Back in the day I used to have this business card that stated the following: Imagination = Creation Creation = Endless…

  • Inspiration via Broham

    Inspiration and motivation to achieve your dreams may come from various things or people. Today, I had the opportunity to talk to my younger brother (aka my broham) who truly inspires me because he is quite passionate about his talent and pursuing his many dreams. Apparently this dreaming thing runs in the family. My brother and I are 5 Years, 6 Months, and a day apart. We shared a room practically his whole life until the point I left for college. Needless to say we are close despite the age and varying interests differences. I’ve always felt that he would become some great storyteller and potentially create something like the…

  • Dreamline

    Yesterday, I mentioned that I want to start writing my plans out for my dreams and giving them over to God to help make them happen! This past week, I just so happen to be reading a book title The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I am definitely not done with the book yet but so far so good and it is chalked full of great tips, comfort zone challenges, questions and recommendations. My favorite thing in the book as of now is that he encourages this idea of a dreamline where he provides worksheets and everything so that you can create immediate action steps and figure out the monthly…

  • Dream Planning & God

    I mentioned in the Niche post my personal mission statement and I am so excited that this coming week I am getting to help my own momma set some plans in motion to go after her dreams!!! Be expecting more information in the near future about what she has in store. On another note… Lately in the midst of trying to go after my own dreams, I’ve had some negative reactions over minor things that honestly should not upset me. I’ve had to come to terms lately that there are quite a few things beyond my control and in trying to let go of those, I put a lot of…

  • Dream Talk

    I can and have spent many a day just talking about my dreams and what the future may hold. I dream at night and in the day about this. For anyone that is familiar with StrengthsFinder, Futuristic is among my Top 5 strengths which explains a lot about my ability to dream. I feel though it is a strength it is a double edge sword and though I dream often about the future…worry about the future trickles in just as often. In my mind, worry is that annoying person that keeps pestering you with the why and how questions versus letting you, you know dream. Sometimes, worry tricks me up…