dream big
Journal Prompt:16 Questions – Question 3 Redo
To any of my readers that may have seen this post since Saturday evening, please let me apologize for submitting such a naked post. I’ve submitted short posts in the past but due to technical difficulties with my mobile device and app the full piece that I typed did not save or submit.I’ve had this happen before so this must mean that I really must be at the computer when trying to update this blog. Hopefully after this occurrence I will finally learn from my errors and trusting of this modern technology.Question 3: What would you do if you knew that nobody would judge you? In responding to question 2,…
Dream Big…and Nothing Else
Lately I have been hearing messages constantly reinforcing the ideas that dreams will always be dreams if no action is taken. I am a woman of many dreams and I have no idea which dream to put action to first but part of me wants to go all in at once and just have faith that God will allow them to happen as they should. Just this past week I did either something really bold or just entireely stupid but the butterflies in my stomach that I felt as I was doing it…makes me feel like I am finally taking a step in the right direction and doing something so…