
  • Going for it!

    Today, I just received some good inspiration and a reminder to go for it! What is it, you may ask? Well that is different for each person and changes at different seasons in one’s life. A few posts back I shared that I am working with my momma on going after some of her dreams and we have a few things in the making. However, today I became aware of something else this amazing woman is trying to do. Check out the video here to learn what she is going for and support. My momma who just celebrated a birthday yesterday has done some great things in her life and…

  • Planning

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future and making plans for it. I shared previously that among my top strengths is Futuristic. So I am constantly thinking about the future. I am the girl that makes 5 and 10 year plans. They don’t always go according to plan but it helps me to have a goal/vision in sight. Generally, I have success or a variation of it that comes from the plan. I typically do this in my work life and was recently asked about what’s next in my personal life. It was a valid question and one I think worth answering but not necessarily one I felt equipped to…

  • Vision

    Happy Sunday Y’all! Yesterday, I talked a bit about passion and today I want to talk about vision and the importance of casting it. According to Google vision can be both a noun or a verb. In noun form it may simply mean the ability to see or an experience of seeing something in a dream. As a verb, it means to imagine. This is my paraphrase version of course but I am a fan of all the definitions that Google shared with the verb definition being my favorite. Back in the day I used to have this business card that stated the following: Imagination = Creation Creation = Endless…

  • Inspiration via Broham

    Inspiration and motivation to achieve your dreams may come from various things or people. Today, I had the opportunity to talk to my younger brother (aka my broham) who truly inspires me because he is quite passionate about his talent and pursuing his many dreams. Apparently this dreaming thing runs in the family. My brother and I are 5 Years, 6 Months, and a day apart. We shared a room practically his whole life until the point I left for college. Needless to say we are close despite the age and varying interests differences. I’ve always felt that he would become some great storyteller and potentially create something like the…

  • Dreamline

    Yesterday, I mentioned that I want to start writing my plans out for my dreams and giving them over to God to help make them happen! This past week, I just so happen to be reading a book title The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I am definitely not done with the book yet but so far so good and it is chalked full of great tips, comfort zone challenges, questions and recommendations. My favorite thing in the book as of now is that he encourages this idea of a dreamline where he provides worksheets and everything so that you can create immediate action steps and figure out the monthly…

  • Dream Planning & God

    I mentioned in the Niche post my personal mission statement and I am so excited that this coming week I am getting to help my own momma set some plans in motion to go after her dreams!!! Be expecting more information in the near future about what she has in store. On another note… Lately in the midst of trying to go after my own dreams, I’ve had some negative reactions over minor things that honestly should not upset me. I’ve had to come to terms lately that there are quite a few things beyond my control and in trying to let go of those, I put a lot of…

  • Dream Talk

    I can and have spent many a day just talking about my dreams and what the future may hold. I dream at night and in the day about this. For anyone that is familiar with StrengthsFinder, Futuristic is among my Top 5 strengths which explains a lot about my ability to dream. I feel though it is a strength it is a double edge sword and though I dream often about the future…worry about the future trickles in just as often. In my mind, worry is that annoying person that keeps pestering you with the why and how questions versus letting you, you know dream. Sometimes, worry tricks me up…

  • My Niche

    Niche… As defined by the google dictionary is an adjective that means denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population. You may be wondering about the random word of the day definition given above. Well as I mentioned previously, this .com experience is a new one for me and I am so beyond pumped about it. However in most, if not all, of my research plus you know talks with those close to me (cue:looks at significant other) you must have your niche to make it out in the blogging world. Things like parenting, travel, food, fashion, and general lifestyle…

  • Post 50

    I am so excited to announce that I have made it the halfway point (a little later than scheduled but still made it)! This is post 50 of my attempt at the #the100dayproject of blogging daily. My last few posts have been in response to the 16 Questions Journal Prompts that start here.  For the 2nd half of this project, you will most likely be privy to the following as I try to find and narrow in on my groove or niche as they say: More Journal Prompted Posts Random Ciggy Musings Various Blogging Experiments that I pull from Pinterest Being a writer is one of my many dreams and…

  • Journal Prompt:16 Questions – Question 3 Redo

    To any of my readers that may have seen this post since Saturday evening, please let me apologize for submitting such a naked post. I’ve submitted short posts in the past but due to technical difficulties with my mobile device and app the full piece that I typed did not save or submit.I’ve had this happen before so this must mean that I really must be at the computer when trying to update this blog. Hopefully after this occurrence I will finally learn from my errors and trusting of this modern technology.Question 3: What would you do if you knew that nobody would judge you? In responding to question 2,…