
  • Free Write Frenzy – Day 5

    Today is day 5 of my 100 days of blogging and though it is only day 5 – I believe this may be more challenging than I thought. It is the tail end of the day (its a Monday) and at first I thought I was going to write on something about Mondays but with 100 days of blogging I am sure that post is to come in the future.  Instead you are getting a five day free write…that’s right folks I am taking this blog a little journal style and writing literally whatever comes to mind. This may come back to bite me later as I do have some low key…

  • Refresh and Restart on New Goals in this New Phase!

    Hello CiggyChat Readers! Today is my birthday!! I am in the tail end of my 20s aka I am 29 today!  With that said I’ve been thinking a lot about goals, dreams, paths, and just life overall lately so I am hoping to take on a new challenge today (#the100dayproject) and I am praying that God gives me strength to do it! This past February I had the chance of hearing Michelle Poler speak at a conference for my work and she talked about her own personal triumph of tackling 100 fears in a 100 days. Crazy but she did it and I believe she is all the stronger for…

  • Day by Day

    Two summers ago I had the wonderful opportunity to live right in the heart of the city that never sleeps: New York City! During my time there I got a chance to dabble in my favorite past time of musical theater and see Godspell! A wonderful musical telling a few of the stories of Jesus and his disciples and enacting parables from the Bible all leading up to the moment that Jesus Christ gave his life for us. It was a wonderful story and one of the songs that stick out from the musical is Day By Day (sung by Anna Maria Perez de Taglé). I am realizing that I…