
  • Dreamline

    Yesterday, I mentioned that I want to start writing my plans out for my dreams and giving them over to God to help make them happen! This past week, I just so happen to be reading a book title The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I am definitely not done with the book yet but so far so good and it is chalked full of great tips, comfort zone challenges, questions and recommendations. My favorite thing in the book as of now is that he encourages this idea of a dreamline where he provides worksheets and everything so that you can create immediate action steps and figure out the monthly…

  • Dream Planning & God

    I mentioned in the Niche post my personal mission statement and I am so excited that this coming week I am getting to help my own momma set some plans in motion to go after her dreams!!! Be expecting more information in the near future about what she has in store. On another note… Lately in the midst of trying to go after my own dreams, I’ve had some negative reactions over minor things that honestly should not upset me. I’ve had to come to terms lately that there are quite a few things beyond my control and in trying to let go of those, I put a lot of…

  • No Post from June 6, 2018

    This is officially Post 35 and it did not come yesterday as I had an eventful day.  So this post is essentially me sharing the reason for no post yesterday. I had a networking event and talk that I went to in the morning that was really informative and there was swag and a free great brunch (always a positive). Following that was a lunch where I was able to catch up with my sister for a moment before heading back to an afternoon of intentional work in my office. In the midst of the afternoon, I found out that God was hearing my prayers and my close family member…

  • Just Keep Going

    If you can tell by the date I’ve alre missed a day in #the100dayproject and that there was no post yesterday. This may normally stop me in my tracks but instead I’m choosing to just keep going so instead of this being Day 5 this is my official Day 4 of a 💯 days of blogging! As this blog is all about my thoughts and silly chatter let me share my excuses yet also truths about no post from yesterday. For lack of a better term it was just a jam-packed day.  I started the day with some prayer 🙏🏾 and reading time aka Time with God (G-Time or WarRoom…

  • Stepping Out or Being Still…that is the question

    Currently, I am faced with a dilemma. Should I step out on faith or be still and patient and wait till I have more clarity on what direction I am getting? Have you ever had that struggle? It’s not a pleasant one and yet both options seem to be a solid one and come from the same source at least for me. On the one hand the first option has a lot of risk…I mean stepping out on faith and believing that I will succeed but being ok and able to learn if I utterly fail.  On the other hand with the second option, there is great things that come…

  • Tonight was a Good Good Night…

    Not just a lyric from Black Eyed Pea’s Gotta Feeling but my actual sentiments for tonight. And why you may ask was tonight such a good night? In one word, God.  But since this a blog, I will give you a bit more than one or two.  Today was actually quite a busy day filled with non-stop meetings for my work and running errands back and forth from North to South to Central to North to Central to South to Central campus. I was a bit exhausted but I was looking forward to church tonight as I missed this past Sunday due to work and will be missing next Sunday…

  • Dream Big…and Nothing Else

    Lately I have been hearing messages constantly reinforcing the ideas that dreams will always be dreams if no action is taken. I am a woman of many dreams and I have no idea which dream to put action to first but part of me wants to go all in at once and just have faith that God will allow them to happen as they should. Just this past week I did either something really bold or just entireely stupid but  the butterflies in my stomach that I felt as I was doing it…makes me feel like I am finally taking a step in the right direction and doing something so…