
  • 4 Things that Get Me through the Journey

    The dreamer’s journey and well the journey of life is not an easy one. There are many roadblocks, detours, and unpaved roads along the way that can easily throw one for a loop. I wish I could tell you that none of it bothers me or I don’t react to it but that would be a complete and utter lie. So here are a few things that I use to make it through this journey of life as I work to accomplish and tackle my many, many dreams. 1. First and foremost, God! I am a Christian and proud of it. My faith is something that truly anchors me and…

  • Two Weeks Later…

    Hi there CiggyChat Readers! I apologize for being MIA these past 2 weeks. I went out of town to visit family that I have not seen in 2 years and in the midst of that trip I got sick. Truth be told, I am still a bit sick but definitely better than when I started. So in these past 2 weeks, I had a chance to be with family and rest “doctor’s orders”. Though I hate being sick I am grateful for this time as it kind of forced me to slow down and think about what’s important and try to get my head back into this dreamer’s journey of…

  • Balance & Priorities

    Personally and professionally I’ve been struggling with this topic of finding the right balance and prioritizing what when. In this day and age with social media and instant gratification everything appears to be a priority. Whatever is asked is expected to be simply answered or made top priority but how does one do that when they are pulled in several different areas. My specific work is unique where I live where I work so it’s often a fine line of balancing my business day versus my personal time. The worlds blend as I often may socialize with my colleagues and more often than not I’ll respond or work on “work…

  • Happy August!

    Growing up my momma would greet me each month with a “Happy [insert name of the month]!” With the exception of January and April, it wasn’t really a holiday but it was an attitude that she had which I like to believe has trickled down to my brother and I. My mom is positive and inspiring and purposely comical in the best sense even when life throws various lemons and obstacles our/her way. My mom has a light within her that only God could have placed there and it is something that I am grateful for. In stressful times and seasons of my life, I sometimes let life get the best…

  • Freewrite Sunday

      Today is Sunday! Sunday sometimes has a hastag associated with it. #sundayfunday or #selfcaresunday This Sunday, I’ve had a smidge of both. #SundayFunday I volunteer in my church in a couple of areas but today I spent time in the nursery with the older toddlers (19 months to 23 months). This group of 1 year olds are quite a fun bunch. They are walking, dancing, playing, high-5ing, and started to talk and sing which makes praise time a truly fun time with this group. Also, for those that know me well…I’m a couponer! I promise I am not extreme but I do have a binder and I learn/subscribe to…

  • Happy International Self-Care Day!

    For the past few months or so, I’ve had the pleasure of receiving alerts from Shine. It is a quick dose of positivity and inspiration that comes to my phone Monday through Friday. For those interested in that I would definitely recommend you joining in here. In today’s message from Shine, I learned that it is International Self-Care Day and learned some ways that people from around the world practice self-care in this article. In reading the article, it was cool to observe that those around the world and myself have similar self-care practices. My self-care practices include the following: blowing bubbles cooking counseling dancing music praying reading time with…

  • Vision Board

    Today, was the day! My friend, Mayra, had her vision board networking event and it was such a great success! The space was packed with a wonderful group of people ready to embark on this intentional process. We reflected on past accomplishments, our mantras and set goals in all aspects of lives prior to getting to the crafty fun that came with creating our vision boards! All boards were gorgeous, creative, and completely unique to each person with their vision. You may see other boards from the day on the instagram but I will share my completed board with you all here! That’s all for today but I am definitely…

  • Going for it!

    Today, I just received some good inspiration and a reminder to go for it! What is it, you may ask? Well that is different for each person and changes at different seasons in one’s life. A few posts back I shared that I am working with my momma on going after some of her dreams and we have a few things in the making. However, today I became aware of something else this amazing woman is trying to do. Check out the video here to learn what she is going for and support. My momma who just celebrated a birthday yesterday has done some great things in her life and…

  • Recap of the Past 3 Years

    Hello Reslife friends and readers, Just a quick recap or update as I haven’t published a post in 3 years to this site! July 2015 – June 2016 This was my last year at NAU as an RHD…I felt a very strong spiritual pull and calling to go to Dallas, TX and put in my resignation with NAU around November/December 2015 for the end of the 15-16 Academic year with no job or home in site…the craziest thing I’ve ever done! A lot of things happened in the midst of this time: bonds with peers, new side hustles and business ventures, resparks of old working teams, a friend’s wedding, roller…