
  • August was a good month!

    Hey there dreamers, August flew by and I didn’t even get a chance to post here…it’s been nonstop in the best way possible. I hope that you have been staying up to date on social media but if not let me tell you what’s been happening… I’ve been writing, learning, creating, chatting, filming, cooking, celebrating, and even working out. That’s right y’all I am just trying to tackle my dreams and goals in all areas. I have also had the pleasure of seeing others’ dreams come to fruition which has truly been an inspiration to see. I’ve seen my close ones step into career roles and positions they were born…

  • Happy New Year!!

    Hi Fellow Dreamers!! Pardon the late post but I did want to say Happy New Year to my readers and fellow dreamers! This New Year has been an interesting one. I feel as if I have a God-peace within me right now though there are quite a few things up in the air that would normally make me a freaked out Ciggy! I haven’t quite made real resolutions yet but there are a few goals and things I am hoping for in 2020: Spending time with God more: I am a Christian and honestly need to make sure that I am connecting with Him on the daily and often to…

  • Happy September!

    Hi there fellow dreamers! It has been a moment since I caught up with y’all…actually over a month. This past month has been quite restful, productive and transformative. For those that follow you may know that I am also “Rena in Reslife.” Well nearly 4 months ago I transitioned my career and though I am still “Rena in Reslife” it is a completely different setting. In my previous role August would be one of my busiest seasons where as this past August I actually started the month off with a vacation! It was great and surreal. I took a much needed girls trip on a cruise to the Bahamas! It…

  • Living Now

    Hey Y’all! It’s been a minute since I wrote to you and let me just say that time is flying by…I can’t believe it is already July! Happy New month and early 4th of July to everyone! These past couple of months I have been experiencing a lot of newness in my life and transitions. In all of this I am learning to enjoy the life I have while still going after the one I dream of. You might ask what does that even mean? For me, it is not just living in the future for my dreams, but actually living in the present right now. In all honesty, I have…

  • February Faith Filled

    Hi there readers! It has been about a month since I’ve last posted and it is because time is flying by. I can’t believe that we are close to the end of February 2019 already. This past month I’ve had a few realizations and insights and my faith strengthened tremendously. I’ve been a person of faith my entire life but lately I had these random moments of God showing me that He was listening to me this whole time. It wasn’t that I doubted that He was but they were silly things that I’ve asked for or wanted when I was younger and somehow they are coming to fruition right…

  • Happy New Year!

    It’s Day 7 of the New Year and the new year brings a great time to reset and put in some new action plans for all your dreams for the year. What I call dreams you may refer to as resolutions or goals. For me I always have a dream if not several brewing in my mind and so as this year starts I don’t have any new resolutions but perhaps a new mindset as I work towards achieving the dreams of my mind. My plan is to create action plans towards all my dreams and just make the small necessary steps as I can towards making these dreams my…

  • 19 Days till Christmas!!

    We are officially in the teens of our countdown till Christmas!! These past couple of days have been a bit nonstop (similar to this season): 21 days to Christmas I had a full day of meetings, appointments, errands to run, and a community holiday function. It was a day filled with highs and low including some great discussion, hard conversation, mild frustrations, lost packages, flat tires, positive staff bonding, and quality time with good people. 20 days to Christmas I had a work study break event, car issues to tackle, a bag to pack, and a plane to catch, and friends to catch up with once I arrived. 19 days…

  • Almost there

    This is the theme of the day almost there… “Theres” that I’m thinking of… A friend so close to reaching one of her big dreams we all sense it Tomorrow being a big day at work aka new student move in Completing this post challenge of 100 posts! In this almost there moment it’s easy to get tripped up or distracted or hurt. It’s like when you’re this close sometimes life is not willing to let you easily cross the finish line. Take a look at this video here. A few weeks ago I heard a great message where this video was used. It was a powerful reminder to turn…

  • Not quite finished…

    A few days ago, I posted about not being satisfied meaning not accepting the status quo. Today’s post is similar but different. I’ve been in work mode, activities, and training of my team from about 7:15AM till maybe 30 minutes ago and friends I’m not quite finished yet. (I took a break to shower but still haven’t eaten yet.) In order to go into tomorrow there are still a few more things I need to tackle. Emails to review. To do lists and tasks to prepare and assign and something else I’m surely forgetting. Those are just the bare minimum. In order to do the things I really want to…

  • Motivated Monday

    Today is Monday and I think my goal for each week moving forward is to not dread Mondays. In an effort to tackle today I worked to get up a bit earlier to pray, do a workout, and treat the day with the best energy I could do. It has been a busy Monday and because of that you are getting a rather short post at the end of the day. However, I would love to hear from my fellow readers and see how do you tackle the start of your week and what keeps you motivated to move forward. Please share below. Until next time, I’m Ciggy! Post 86…