Motivated Monday
Today is Monday and I think my goal for each week moving forward is to not dread Mondays. In an effort to tackle today I worked to get up a bit earlier to pray, do a workout, and treat the day with the best energy I could do. It has been a busy Monday and because of that you are getting a rather short post at the end of the day. However, I would love to hear from my fellow readers and see how do you tackle the start of your week and what keeps you motivated to move forward. Please share below. Until next time, I’m Ciggy! Post 86…
Freewrite Sunday
Today is Sunday! Sunday sometimes has a hastag associated with it. #sundayfunday or #selfcaresunday This Sunday, I’ve had a smidge of both. #SundayFunday I volunteer in my church in a couple of areas but today I spent time in the nursery with the older toddlers (19 months to 23 months). This group of 1 year olds are quite a fun bunch. They are walking, dancing, playing, high-5ing, and started to talk and sing which makes praise time a truly fun time with this group. Also, for those that know me well…I’m a couponer! I promise I am not extreme but I do have a binder and I learn/subscribe to…
Relax, Relate, Release!
One of my favorite shows (I have many by the way) happens to be A Different World! There are so many reasons why I love this show but that is not the point of this post.I’ll save that for another time. This morning when I woke up I heard the title of this post playing over and over in my head “Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release” It is a saying that I have learned from Different World and how I feel I should approach today. It took me quite some time to fall asleep last night and I can promise you it was because I wasn’t…
Happy International Self-Care Day!
For the past few months or so, I’ve had the pleasure of receiving alerts from Shine. It is a quick dose of positivity and inspiration that comes to my phone Monday through Friday. For those interested in that I would definitely recommend you joining in here. In today’s message from Shine, I learned that it is International Self-Care Day and learned some ways that people from around the world practice self-care in this article. In reading the article, it was cool to observe that those around the world and myself have similar self-care practices. My self-care practices include the following: blowing bubbles cooking counseling dancing music praying reading time with…
Case of the Mondays
Today is Monday. Sometimes or more often than not…people dread their Mondays. Believe it or not, I did not dread today. I woke up quite ready to start the day and week. There was and still is a lot to do this week but I woke up with a peace about things and ready to tackle them with God’s guidance of course. Yesterday, I did my vision board and though it’s not hanging up yet, I’m ready to start living that life now. I was even able to squeeze in an afternoon workout for the day. #wellness Here’s to turning Miserable Mondays into Motivated Mondays! Until next time, I’m Ciggy!…
Vision Board
Today, was the day! My friend, Mayra, had her vision board networking event and it was such a great success! The space was packed with a wonderful group of people ready to embark on this intentional process. We reflected on past accomplishments, our mantras and set goals in all aspects of lives prior to getting to the crafty fun that came with creating our vision boards! All boards were gorgeous, creative, and completely unique to each person with their vision. You may see other boards from the day on the instagram but I will share my completed board with you all here! That’s all for today but I am definitely…
Lately, I’ve been reading some books around this topic and it truly is invigorating and humbling at the same time. I am currently in a position of leadership yet in both books it discusses the importance of leading sans the title or without the “authority” that seems to come from being the boss. In the latest book I am reading How to Lead when You’re Not in Charge by Clay Scroggins I’ve come across some great points and I still have another half of the book to go. The points that really stick so far are the following: Leading starts without a position Lack of a title doesn’t mean you…
I am with you
I am bit under the weather today but I still wanted to share something. This past Sunday I had the pleasure at hearing from Bob Sorge and it inspired me and I just wanted to pass this video along. Enjoy & tell me what you think in the comments below. www.youtube.com/watch Till next time, I’m CiggyG Post 67 out of 100 #the100dayproject
Yesterday, I mentioned that I want to start writing my plans out for my dreams and giving them over to God to help make them happen! This past week, I just so happen to be reading a book title The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. I am definitely not done with the book yet but so far so good and it is chalked full of great tips, comfort zone challenges, questions and recommendations. My favorite thing in the book as of now is that he encourages this idea of a dreamline where he provides worksheets and everything so that you can create immediate action steps and figure out the monthly…
Dream Planning & God
I mentioned in the Niche post my personal mission statement and I am so excited that this coming week I am getting to help my own momma set some plans in motion to go after her dreams!!! Be expecting more information in the near future about what she has in store. On another note… Lately in the midst of trying to go after my own dreams, I’ve had some negative reactions over minor things that honestly should not upset me. I’ve had to come to terms lately that there are quite a few things beyond my control and in trying to let go of those, I put a lot of…