living in the present

  • Before 5AM

    Today I awoke before 5AM. No alarm, no phone call, just sat right up and was awake. Like alert awake. I’m still trying to pin why I was up… I wish I could say I awoke and was productive but that would be a lie. In truth, I woke up showered got back in PJs because I wanted to sleep and yet couldn’t, ate, and was just up until falling a sleep again just before a work training session I had. Prior to waking up I had only been a sleep for 5 hours. This past week has been so busy that outside of this blog and the things of…

  • What you make it!

    “You get out of life, what you put in it” – John Key Today, I spent a good portion of time going through and updating expectations that I have of my team and in those conversations the quote above came up. It’s such a great concept and is really true. Life is what you make it…so make sure to make it something worth living. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 90 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • Living in the Moment

    Full disclosure I absolutely struggle to do this: living in the moment. It makes sense though if you’ve read the tag line of this blog, I’m a dreamer! I’m constantly thinking of what is to come and will be. I think that is great in times of planning and preparing for the future but what about the current moment I’m in. It’s important too. It’s funny as a journaler (my made up word for one who journals) I love to reflect on the past and plan for the future. In more times than I prefer I look back and think about the things I should and could have done but…

  • Motivated Monday

    Today is Monday and I think my goal for each week moving forward is to not dread Mondays. In an effort to tackle today I worked to get up a bit earlier to pray, do a workout, and treat the day with the best energy I could do. It has been a busy Monday and because of that you are getting a rather short post at the end of the day. However, I would love to hear from my fellow readers and see how do you tackle the start of your week and what keeps you motivated to move forward. Please share below. Until next time, I’m Ciggy! Post 86…

  • Relax, Relate, Release!

    One of my favorite shows (I have many by the way) happens to be A Different World! There are so many reasons why I love this show but that is not the point of this post.I’ll save that for another time. This morning when I woke up I heard the title of this post playing over and over in my head “Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release” It is a saying that I have learned from Different World and how I feel I should approach today. It took me quite some time to fall asleep last night and I can promise you it was because I wasn’t…

  • June G&V Prompts – Part 3

    Where are their opportunities to connect and encourage someone? At checkout, the copy machine, during a playdate, after you put your kids to bed? In the midst of heading to and from meetings, while I grab my lunch or encounter a campus visitor. I am learning that these prompts are all about making every moment count, not necessarily to get a to do list item done but to be a member of the community I am in and to have a positive impact in the lives around me. How can you change your focus on some of these tasks in your day to see them as purposeful opportunities to encourage…

  • Just Keep Going

    If you can tell by the date I’ve alre missed a day in #the100dayproject and that there was no post yesterday. This may normally stop me in my tracks but instead I’m choosing to just keep going so instead of this being Day 5 this is my official Day 4 of a 💯 days of blogging! As this blog is all about my thoughts and silly chatter let me share my excuses yet also truths about no post from yesterday. For lack of a better term it was just a jam-packed day.  I started the day with some prayer 🙏🏾 and reading time aka Time with God (G-Time or WarRoom…

  • Day by Day

    Two summers ago I had the wonderful opportunity to live right in the heart of the city that never sleeps: New York City! During my time there I got a chance to dabble in my favorite past time of musical theater and see Godspell! A wonderful musical telling a few of the stories of Jesus and his disciples and enacting parables from the Bible all leading up to the moment that Jesus Christ gave his life for us. It was a wonderful story and one of the songs that stick out from the musical is Day By Day (sung by Anna Maria Perez de Taglé). I am realizing that I…