
  • Writer’s Block

    It’s crazy we are so close to the end of this writing challenge and I find myself stumped. Unsure of what to write about it at this moment. I shared recently that in my work world of reslife we have a bit of trainings and events happening. That season is now upon us and with all there is to do in that part of my world it’s making it a bit hard for me to focus on my writing today. Hoping to be a bit more focused for tomorrow. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 87 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • Relax, Relate, Release!

    One of my favorite shows (I have many by the way) happens to be A Different World! There are so many reasons why I love this show but that is not the point of this post.I’ll save that for another time. This morning when I woke up I heard the title of this post playing over and over in my head “Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release” It is a saying that I have learned from Different World and how I feel I should approach today. It took me quite some time to fall asleep last night and I can promise you it was because I wasn’t…

  • Cluttered Mind

    Hi there readers, It is quite late for me and my mind is a bit cluttered. I did some work today straightening up my home but I need to set some time to fully declutter my physical spaces. Someone once told that when you struggle to focus, have a clear clean space can be helpful. I believe that to be true and I’ve let life’s random distractions keep me from the tasks I need to do to have a clutter-free home and clear mind. As I embark this final quarter of the 100 day project my days are only going to get more busy and filled with life and work.…

  • Free Write Frenzy – Day 5

    Today is day 5 of my 100 days of blogging and though it is only day 5 – I believe this may be more challenging than I thought. It is the tail end of the day (its a Monday) and at first I thought I was going to write on something about Mondays but with 100 days of blogging I am sure that post is to come in the future.  Instead you are getting a five day free write…that’s right folks I am taking this blog a little journal style and writing literally whatever comes to mind. This may come back to bite me later as I do have some low key…