
  • God’s Timing

    God’s Timing Hi there dreamers! I know it has been a serious minute since we last spoke. In this case when I say minutes its been about 5 months and that is crazy long. When I first started this blog it was just something for me to write, you know casually, whenever I had the urge or had a moment. Somewhere along the line I decided to do a 100-day writing challenge and in that time I decided to truly make my blog it’s own .com and that is when “A Dreamer’s Journey” came into the scene. Over the years I’ve gone back and forth on declaring new writing/posting…

  • God Big

    Hi there dreamers and Happy November! I have this superb, excited, overjoyed, and just grateful energy right now. This post is titled Godbig because I want us all to go after those extremely grand and large dreams that God instills in us. I’ve decided to share one of my recent journal entries with you to further elaborate and explain… Journal Entry from Saturday, October 30, 2021 OMG…I can’t stop crying today and it’s not sad tears at all. It’s happy praise-God tears. Its tears of joy, excitement, and amazement at his miracle-working power and how He manifests things in His time frame and today I got to get a glimpse…

  • August was a good month!

    Hey there dreamers, August flew by and I didn’t even get a chance to post here…it’s been nonstop in the best way possible. I hope that you have been staying up to date on social media but if not let me tell you what’s been happening… I’ve been writing, learning, creating, chatting, filming, cooking, celebrating, and even working out. That’s right y’all I am just trying to tackle my dreams and goals in all areas. I have also had the pleasure of seeing others’ dreams come to fruition which has truly been an inspiration to see. I’ve seen my close ones step into career roles and positions they were born…

  • New Phase of the Journey

    Hi fellow journeyers! It has been a minute since I wrote here. I have been preparing and praying for my next phase and well God is ushering me into it right now. This month is my birthday month and well I have come into the next decade which is already a major new phase all on its own. Basically within the same week, my “off campus” apartment has been solidified and I got a job offer outside of the college campus that starts next week! This came earlier than I anticipated but I am so grateful for what God is about to do. It is His will not mine that is…

  • Freewrite Sunday

      Today is Sunday! Sunday sometimes has a hastag associated with it. #sundayfunday or #selfcaresunday This Sunday, I’ve had a smidge of both. #SundayFunday I volunteer in my church in a couple of areas but today I spent time in the nursery with the older toddlers (19 months to 23 months). This group of 1 year olds are quite a fun bunch. They are walking, dancing, playing, high-5ing, and started to talk and sing which makes praise time a truly fun time with this group. Also, for those that know me well…I’m a couponer! I promise I am not extreme but I do have a binder and I learn/subscribe to…

  • Recap of the Past 3 Years

    Hello Reslife friends and readers, Just a quick recap or update as I haven’t published a post in 3 years to this site! July 2015 – June 2016 This was my last year at NAU as an RHD…I felt a very strong spiritual pull and calling to go to Dallas, TX and put in my resignation with NAU around November/December 2015 for the end of the 15-16 Academic year with no job or home in site…the craziest thing I’ve ever done! A lot of things happened in the midst of this time: bonds with peers, new side hustles and business ventures, resparks of old working teams, a friend’s wedding, roller…