
  • 4 Things that Get Me through the Journey

    The dreamer’s journey and well the journey of life is not an easy one. There are many roadblocks, detours, and unpaved roads along the way that can easily throw one for a loop. I wish I could tell you that none of it bothers me or I don’t react to it but that would be a complete and utter lie. So here are a few things that I use to make it through this journey of life as I work to accomplish and tackle my many, many dreams. 1. First and foremost, God! I am a Christian and proud of it. My faith is something that truly anchors me and…

  • Balance & Priorities

    Personally and professionally I’ve been struggling with this topic of finding the right balance and prioritizing what when. In this day and age with social media and instant gratification everything appears to be a priority. Whatever is asked is expected to be simply answered or made top priority but how does one do that when they are pulled in several different areas. My specific work is unique where I live where I work so it’s often a fine line of balancing my business day versus my personal time. The worlds blend as I often may socialize with my colleagues and more often than not I’ll respond or work on “work…

  • Long Day

    Today was a long one filled with a few heavy topics as we trained our folks in handling tough situations. Situations like sexual assault, suicide prevention, and domestic/date violence. I helped to facilitate some of those conversations and discussions. I believe the biggest takeaway that came from today is about having genuine connections and real relationships with people. In doing that you’re able to be a support to someone and have someone looking out for you too. At the end of a long day or in the midst of any of the situations we discussed it helps to have someone that is genuinely there for you and to know that…

  • Happy August!

    Growing up my momma would greet me each month with a “Happy [insert name of the month]!” With the exception of January and April, it wasn’t really a holiday but it was an attitude that she had which I like to believe has trickled down to my brother and I. My mom is positive and inspiring and purposely comical in the best sense even when life throws various lemons and obstacles our/her way. My mom has a light within her that only God could have placed there and it is something that I am grateful for. In stressful times and seasons of my life, I sometimes let life get the best…

  • Planning

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future and making plans for it. I shared previously that among my top strengths is Futuristic. So I am constantly thinking about the future. I am the girl that makes 5 and 10 year plans. They don’t always go according to plan but it helps me to have a goal/vision in sight. Generally, I have success or a variation of it that comes from the plan. I typically do this in my work life and was recently asked about what’s next in my personal life. It was a valid question and one I think worth answering but not necessarily one I felt equipped to…

  • The List

    So, I was talking with my roommate the other night and we happen to discuss “the list.” You know the list I am talking about, the one people make movies about. The one most women tend to have in an effort to find the one. Well it just so happen that I did not have a list so she encouraged me to start my own. This at first seemed a bit tough because I am pretty open when it comes to the opposite sex but I decided to start mine anyway so here goes: Ciggy’s List – be determined (have dreams and should be working on achieving them or achieving…