Almost at the Half Line
It is near the end of my first year as a grad student. At this point of the semester there is so much happening and going on that I can barely keep track of the days. This semester has literally flown by and I cannot believe we are near the end of April already. It is so funny that as much time goes by two things relatively opposing ideas continue to remain true: So much has changed, while at the same time So much is still the same. A lot of the change that has occurred has to do with being in grad school and being a grad hall director. …
One Step At A Time
So as a grad student I tend to have a lot on my plate. Especially with the added bonus of being a grad student pursuing a degree in College Student Affairs. For anyone who knows anything about College Student Affairs your life will constantly be busy with different projects, committees, your students, and your other co-workers. Now combine that with being a student, a daughter, a sister, and just having a life of your own.While wearing all of these different hats many of them at the same time you tend to be juggling a lot of work all the time. I recently found this article that shares or highlights tips…
It’s March Already?!
It is March 2012 already… I am more than 75% done with my first year as a graduate student. Time is literally flying by. Despite the speed at which time is going my life has been jam packed with my work as a grad student, having an internship, and field experience, as well as trying to maintain a social life. I wish I had a bit more to say but as I mention above time is flying and there are so many things I have to do. Next week is spring break and this Friday I have to close my building for the break so hopefully after I will have…
Post-Thanksgiving Break
Hello there, originally this was going to be a blog about my life in reslife which is extremely glamorous but that is not all that is going on in my life….I am a graduate student and to tell the truth that encompasses or dictates my life as a reslife person at least for the next two years. Anyway I haven’t written since who knows when so I thought I catch you, the reader(s) (if I have any lol), up. I just had my thanksgiving break, yes even grad students get to take a break from school. During thanksgiving break we closed my residence hall as well so today residents will…
Hi! My name is Rena Gore!!
Hi! My name is Rena Gore!!And as the blog would suggest I work in residence life!! For those of you not familiar with res life, as I like to call it, let me explain it to you. Res Life is one of the many departments within the college campus. We, people in res life, work with all the students that choose to live on campus, thus making those students residents. There are many different functions and positions in residence life, depending on what campus, university, and/or college that you work at, ranging from the policy makers, the fundraisers, the programmers, policy enforcers, community builders, and so much more. My specific…