
  • Happy September!

    Hi there fellow dreamers! It has been a moment since I caught up with y’all…actually over a month. This past month has been quite restful, productive and transformative. For those that follow you may know that I am also “Rena in Reslife.” Well nearly 4 months ago I transitioned my career and though I am still “Rena in Reslife” it is a completely different setting. In my previous role August would be one of my busiest seasons where as this past August I actually started the month off with a vacation! It was great and surreal. I took a much needed girls trip on a cruise to the Bahamas! It…

  • 19 Days till Christmas!!

    We are officially in the teens of our countdown till Christmas!! These past couple of days have been a bit nonstop (similar to this season): 21 days to Christmas I had a full day of meetings, appointments, errands to run, and a community holiday function. It was a day filled with highs and low including some great discussion, hard conversation, mild frustrations, lost packages, flat tires, positive staff bonding, and quality time with good people. 20 days to Christmas I had a work study break event, car issues to tackle, a bag to pack, and a plane to catch, and friends to catch up with once I arrived. 19 days…

  • 22 Days till Christmas!!

    Hi there friends, It’s 22 days till Christmas! This past weekend kicked off the events of the season. White Elephant Gamble Saturday was my first holiday event of the season and it featured a true white elephant gift exchange where in this case the rules are anything goes – meaning it does not need to be a brand new gift but something from your own home. My gift that I brought was very kid-friendly as I knew their would be kids at the event as a family was hosting this party. The recipient for my gift was an 8 year old! So for a family friendly gift exchange, you may…

  • 28-27 Days till Christmas!

    Disclaimer: This post started 28 days till Christmas but somewhere along the line it became 27 days. Hi there friends, The writing challenge continues and today is officially 28 27 days till Christmas! Update on Holiday Events As I shared last night, I have roughly 13 or so events that I need to prepare for with all the gift exchanges and gatherings. I shared that Ebates is definitely one of my go to spots for online shopping but another place that I use frequently is Amazon. Particularly Amazon Prime is the resource that I use to help me beat the crazy lines in person and get all the white elephant presents…

  • Balance & Priorities

    Personally and professionally I’ve been struggling with this topic of finding the right balance and prioritizing what when. In this day and age with social media and instant gratification everything appears to be a priority. Whatever is asked is expected to be simply answered or made top priority but how does one do that when they are pulled in several different areas. My specific work is unique where I live where I work so it’s often a fine line of balancing my business day versus my personal time. The worlds blend as I often may socialize with my colleagues and more often than not I’ll respond or work on “work…

  • We did it – Post 100!!

    Can you believe it!! We made it to the end of this project!!! 100 posts in 100+ days or 4 and a half months (there may have been a few breaks along the way) but it was achieved! 100 posts in Not only is it post 100 but in my reslife world it is also new student move in day and we did that as well! This is my 6th year as a full-time professional working a move-in and my 10th overall in my reslife career so far! Anyway so excited to achieve this dream of completing the project and make sure to check back in next week to hear…

  • Almost there

    This is the theme of the day almost there… “Theres” that I’m thinking of… A friend so close to reaching one of her big dreams we all sense it Tomorrow being a big day at work aka new student move in Completing this post challenge of 100 posts! In this almost there moment it’s easy to get tripped up or distracted or hurt. It’s like when you’re this close sometimes life is not willing to let you easily cross the finish line. Take a look at this video here. A few weeks ago I heard a great message where this video was used. It was a powerful reminder to turn…

  • Not quite finished…

    A few days ago, I posted about not being satisfied meaning not accepting the status quo. Today’s post is similar but different. I’ve been in work mode, activities, and training of my team from about 7:15AM till maybe 30 minutes ago and friends I’m not quite finished yet. (I took a break to shower but still haven’t eaten yet.) In order to go into tomorrow there are still a few more things I need to tackle. Emails to review. To do lists and tasks to prepare and assign and something else I’m surely forgetting. Those are just the bare minimum. In order to do the things I really want to…

  • Long Day

    Today was a long one filled with a few heavy topics as we trained our folks in handling tough situations. Situations like sexual assault, suicide prevention, and domestic/date violence. I helped to facilitate some of those conversations and discussions. I believe the biggest takeaway that came from today is about having genuine connections and real relationships with people. In doing that you’re able to be a support to someone and have someone looking out for you too. At the end of a long day or in the midst of any of the situations we discussed it helps to have someone that is genuinely there for you and to know that…

  • Working Meetings

    Today is TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday!) However, I am not quite ready for tomorrow to be Friday or more accurately closer to the end of July. For my fellow friends in Reslife, we all know that August is a crazy month for us filled with trainings and the students moving back in. For some of my friends that may have started even earlier as we have professional training at some universities and colleges that start as early as June. When students leave at the end of May, there is a universal thought of the following two things that will happen in a Reslifer’s summer: Relaxation Get new work projects…