God Big
Hi there dreamers and Happy November! I have this superb, excited, overjoyed, and just grateful energy right now. This post is titled Godbig because I want us all to go after those extremely grand and large dreams that God instills in us. I’ve decided to share one of my recent journal entries with you to further elaborate and explain… Journal Entry from Saturday, October 30, 2021 OMG…I can’t stop crying today and it’s not sad tears at all. It’s happy praise-God tears. Its tears of joy, excitement, and amazement at his miracle-working power and how He manifests things in His time frame and today I got to get a glimpse…
A Dreamer Interview
Hi there dreamers! It’s finally here. My first Dreamer Interview here on CiggyChat! This has been a loooong time in the making. I recently came across a voice memo journal that I created back in May 2016 where I talked about really making CiggyChat a full blog and doing an interview. I promise you the power of words is real. The things you write and speak aloud do manifest! I can write a whole other post about that and I will one day but back to the matter at hand…the very first dreamer interview is here! I had the pleasure of interviewing the one and only Zebretta Johnson aka Miz.…
I am with you
I am bit under the weather today but I still wanted to share something. This past Sunday I had the pleasure at hearing from Bob Sorge and it inspired me and I just wanted to pass this video along. Enjoy & tell me what you think in the comments below. Till next time, I’m CiggyG Post 67 out of 100 #the100dayproject