
  • What you make it!

    “You get out of life, what you put in it” – John Key Today, I spent a good portion of time going through and updating expectations that I have of my team and in those conversations the quote above came up. It’s such a great concept and is really true. Life is what you make it…so make sure to make it something worth living. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 90 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • Living in the Moment

    Full disclosure I absolutely struggle to do this: living in the moment. It makes sense though if you’ve read the tag line of this blog, I’m a dreamer! I’m constantly thinking of what is to come and will be. I think that is great in times of planning and preparing for the future but what about the current moment I’m in. It’s important too. It’s funny as a journaler (my made up word for one who journals) I love to reflect on the past and plan for the future. In more times than I prefer I look back and think about the things I should and could have done but…

  • Happy August!

    Growing up my momma would greet me each month with a “Happy [insert name of the month]!” With the exception of January and April, it wasn’t really a holiday but it was an attitude that she had which I like to believe has trickled down to my brother and I. My mom is positive and inspiring and purposely comical in the best sense even when life throws various lemons and obstacles our/her way. My mom has a light within her that only God could have placed there and it is something that I am grateful for. In stressful times and seasons of my life, I sometimes let life get the best…

  • Writer’s Block

    It’s crazy we are so close to the end of this writing challenge and I find myself stumped. Unsure of what to write about it at this moment. I shared recently that in my work world of reslife we have a bit of trainings and events happening. That season is now upon us and with all there is to do in that part of my world it’s making it a bit hard for me to focus on my writing today. Hoping to be a bit more focused for tomorrow. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 87 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • Motivated Monday

    Today is Monday and I think my goal for each week moving forward is to not dread Mondays. In an effort to tackle today I worked to get up a bit earlier to pray, do a workout, and treat the day with the best energy I could do. It has been a busy Monday and because of that you are getting a rather short post at the end of the day. However, I would love to hear from my fellow readers and see how do you tackle the start of your week and what keeps you motivated to move forward. Please share below. Until next time, I’m Ciggy! Post 86…

  • Freewrite Sunday

      Today is Sunday! Sunday sometimes has a hastag associated with it. #sundayfunday or #selfcaresunday This Sunday, I’ve had a smidge of both. #SundayFunday I volunteer in my church in a couple of areas but today I spent time in the nursery with the older toddlers (19 months to 23 months). This group of 1 year olds are quite a fun bunch. They are walking, dancing, playing, high-5ing, and started to talk and sing which makes praise time a truly fun time with this group. Also, for those that know me well…I’m a couponer! I promise I am not extreme but I do have a binder and I learn/subscribe to…

  • Relax, Relate, Release!

    One of my favorite shows (I have many by the way) happens to be A Different World! There are so many reasons why I love this show but that is not the point of this post.I’ll save that for another time. This morning when I woke up I heard the title of this post playing over and over in my head “Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release Relax, Relate, Release” It is a saying that I have learned from Different World and how I feel I should approach today. It took me quite some time to fall asleep last night and I can promise you it was because I wasn’t…

  • Calling it Quits, When you’re not a Quitter

    Quitting, or the word quit as defined by has several different meanings ranging from stopping, leaving, to relinquish, to cease, to end, to depart, to resign, or to give up. I’ve never liked the idea of quitting and felt like giving up (which is part of the definition) however certain things should and must come to an end (another part of the definition). I think of your time in high school, college, a movie, a book: all of these things have a certain end when they cease to continue. Even this 100 day project has an end (its the 100th day). It’s easy or better yet inevitable to end…

  • Working Meetings

    Today is TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday!) However, I am not quite ready for tomorrow to be Friday or more accurately closer to the end of July. For my fellow friends in Reslife, we all know that August is a crazy month for us filled with trainings and the students moving back in. For some of my friends that may have started even earlier as we have professional training at some universities and colleges that start as early as June. When students leave at the end of May, there is a universal thought of the following two things that will happen in a Reslifer’s summer: Relaxation Get new work projects…

  • Momentum

    Hi there CiggyChat readers! I can’t believe we are so close to the end of the 100 day project (more like 100+ days there were a few hiccups and breaks along the way). In being a dreamer, it is quite easy to dream and dream and well dream some more. However, the part I am looking forward to is achieving the dreams, accomplishing the goals you set for yourself. Accomplishing the small goals will continue to give you the momentum for the bigger goals and dreams. Just wanted to share my thoughts as I get near the end. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 81 out of 100 #the100dayproject