
  • New Phase of the Journey

    Hi fellow journeyers! It has been a minute since I wrote here. I have been preparing and praying for my next phase and well God is ushering me into it right now. This month is my birthday month and well I have come into the next decade which is already a major new phase all on its own. Basically within the same week, my “off campus” apartment has been solidified and I got a job offer outside of the college campus that starts next week! This came earlier than I anticipated but I am so grateful for what God is about to do. It is His will not mine that is…

  • February Faith Filled

    Hi there readers! It has been about a month since I’ve last posted and it is because time is flying by. I can’t believe that we are close to the end of February 2019 already. This past month I’ve had a few realizations and insights and my faith strengthened tremendously. I’ve been a person of faith my entire life but lately I had these random moments of God showing me that He was listening to me this whole time. It wasn’t that I doubted that He was but they were silly things that I’ve asked for or wanted when I was younger and somehow they are coming to fruition right…

  • 11 Years!!

    That’s right we are officially an 11 year old blog! January 25, 2008 was the very first Ciggy Chat post!! Back then we were on .blogspot.com however we’ve stepped up over the years…honestly a lot of it happened in this last year. After turning 10 years old we did the following: we started a 100 daily post challenge give or take a few days Day 1….Day 100 turned from ciggychat.blogspot.com to CiggyChat.com established that this blog is about “A Dreamer’s Journey” with a few pop ins of #RenainReslife started a Facebook Group for the blog and its followers connected to Pinterest, twitter, and instagram Throughout this past year you’ve read…

  • Happy New Year!

    It’s Day 7 of the New Year and the new year brings a great time to reset and put in some new action plans for all your dreams for the year. What I call dreams you may refer to as resolutions or goals. For me I always have a dream if not several brewing in my mind and so as this year starts I don’t have any new resolutions but perhaps a new mindset as I work towards achieving the dreams of my mind. My plan is to create action plans towards all my dreams and just make the small necessary steps as I can towards making these dreams my…

  • 22 Days till Christmas!!

    Hi there friends, It’s 22 days till Christmas! This past weekend kicked off the events of the season. White Elephant Gamble Saturday was my first holiday event of the season and it featured a true white elephant gift exchange where in this case the rules are anything goes – meaning it does not need to be a brand new gift but something from your own home. My gift that I brought was very kid-friendly as I knew their would be kids at the event as a family was hosting this party. The recipient for my gift was an 8 year old! So for a family friendly gift exchange, you may…

  • Two Weeks Later…

    Hi there CiggyChat Readers! I apologize for being MIA these past 2 weeks. I went out of town to visit family that I have not seen in 2 years and in the midst of that trip I got sick. Truth be told, I am still a bit sick but definitely better than when I started. So in these past 2 weeks, I had a chance to be with family and rest “doctor’s orders”. Though I hate being sick I am grateful for this time as it kind of forced me to slow down and think about what’s important and try to get my head back into this dreamer’s journey of…

  • Balance & Priorities

    Personally and professionally I’ve been struggling with this topic of finding the right balance and prioritizing what when. In this day and age with social media and instant gratification everything appears to be a priority. Whatever is asked is expected to be simply answered or made top priority but how does one do that when they are pulled in several different areas. My specific work is unique where I live where I work so it’s often a fine line of balancing my business day versus my personal time. The worlds blend as I often may socialize with my colleagues and more often than not I’ll respond or work on “work…

  • We did it – Post 100!!

    Can you believe it!! We made it to the end of this project!!! 100 posts in 100+ days or 4 and a half months (there may have been a few breaks along the way) but it was achieved! 100 posts in Not only is it post 100 but in my reslife world it is also new student move in day and we did that as well! This is my 6th year as a full-time professional working a move-in and my 10th overall in my reslife career so far! Anyway so excited to achieve this dream of completing the project and make sure to check back in next week to hear…

  • Almost there

    This is the theme of the day almost there… “Theres” that I’m thinking of… A friend so close to reaching one of her big dreams we all sense it Tomorrow being a big day at work aka new student move in Completing this post challenge of 100 posts! In this almost there moment it’s easy to get tripped up or distracted or hurt. It’s like when you’re this close sometimes life is not willing to let you easily cross the finish line. Take a look at this video here. A few weeks ago I heard a great message where this video was used. It was a powerful reminder to turn…

  • Not quite finished…

    A few days ago, I posted about not being satisfied meaning not accepting the status quo. Today’s post is similar but different. I’ve been in work mode, activities, and training of my team from about 7:15AM till maybe 30 minutes ago and friends I’m not quite finished yet. (I took a break to shower but still haven’t eaten yet.) In order to go into tomorrow there are still a few more things I need to tackle. Emails to review. To do lists and tasks to prepare and assign and something else I’m surely forgetting. Those are just the bare minimum. In order to do the things I really want to…