
  • 2 Days Till Christmas

    It is 2 Days till Christmas!! I find myself writing to you all from one of my favorite cities: NYC!! This weekend before Christmas, I had other plans in place but due to circumstances beyond my control those did not get to be realized. If I am honest with you the plans I had were mini dreams of mine in the personal department. It involved spending time with someone I care for deeply in one of my favorite places during this merry holiday season another favorite of mine. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to spend it with that person and having that part of that dream taken away hurt and took…

  • 7 Days Till Christmas

    Hi there friends! The past few days have been nonstop and like a roller coaster. My mom has been in and out of the hospital. I’ve been sick for about a week and counting. Health and basic necessities have been compromised for me and those close to me. Prayers, chats and random visits with family and friends have been had on all accords. Holiday events, lunches, and parties with gift exchanges have come and gone. In my reslife hat, I’ve closed my community for the winter break, had to say goodbye to a staff member and hire another one. And deal with lots of random financial issues around programming and…

  • Merry Grinchmas!!

    Happy December (also known as 24 days till Christmas)!! It appears that every channel you turn to right now you see a Grinch commercial of some sort for the new Grinch that came out last month. For my sister this is probably one of her favorite part of the holidays as she happens to be a big fan of the Grinch, particularly, Jim Carey’s rendition of the How the Grinch Stole Christmas.  My sister who holds many roles including that of a choreographer and CEO of  Schooling Talent has decided to have a #twerkinggrinch challenge. Check it out here and feel free to share your response to the challenge on instagram tagging…

  • Next Steps in November

    Hi there CiggyChat readers! It has been a minute since we talked and there has been so much going on but the big thing to share is that November is here and it is bringing next steps! A few months back I attended a conference called Flourish…you can refer to my post about it Flourishing. And learn more about the next one in 2019 here. Part of that conference required us to think of our next steps and they didn’t have to be these Earth-shattering giant steps but steps that can start us on to our God-given purpose and plan. I did a small few things at that time but was…

  • Connecting = Networking

    I like to think I am a people person. I love getting to meet someone and saying hi and finding a small simple thing that can connect us to one another. It excites me and honestly energizes me. If you haven’t guessed it yet, I’m a bit of an extrovert. A bit may be an understatement for those that know me really well as I most recently scored a 98% on my extrovertness level in a personality test (I would highly recommend taking it….it provides some great insights). This past week, I had some great opportunities at connecting with new folks. Those both within and out of my current field…

  • Remember to Smile

    Hey y’all, I’ve been a bit under the weather recently but wanted to post a quick note. I have a trick on days when I don’t feel like myself or a bit down. It’s something I learned from a former student of mine. I challenge you to go to Pinterest and simply type “smiles” when you’re having a not so great day – you are sure to be smiling soon. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 68 out of 100 #the100dayproject

  • Insight

    My mind fills as if there is a wealth of knowledge and new ideas, advice, and wisdom flowing around it. These past two days I have had a great opportunity to do some professional development and it came in the best form. Through questions and conversations with (new to me) colleagues from a city a few hours away. My mind is literally swirling with all the words and new info I have and people that I met. I feel quite fortunate to have had this chance to socialize and learn from others. I’ve had a chance to hear their journeys to their present day moment and learn of their experiences,…

  • Appreciation of the Present

    Sometimes, more often than not, I spend time dreaming about the future and what is to come and what will be. I believe it is necessary for me to be thinking and having something that I can move forward to, however it is valid sometimes to pause and take stock of what I do have here in the present moment. It is easy to get caught up in the future and the things that you seemingly don’t have yet in the present but what about how much you do have right now right here? If I think about it, I am beyond blessed and have accomplished things that I didn’t…

  • Free-write Sunday – July 8, 2018

    I think “Free-write Sundays” will become a tradition moving forward. It’s Sunday, which is an interesting day, some consider it the end of their week, while others the kickstart of the week. For me it is a little both and. At this time of the week, I’ve typically experienced a lot these past 6 days and need time to process and reflect. While at the same time, tomorrow is Monday which is the typical start of the work week and so I have to refocus my mind and calendar for what is coming. On days like this it is good for me to just write it out and kind of…

  • On a Quest…

    Yesterday, something different happened… I can’t tell you yet if it is good or bad but at the moment it feels good. In the midst of going after your dreams, part of what you are trying to do is get out of the same old routine. So when something different happens, it feels like you are onto something new. I hope to keep you posted on what is to come of this quest to achieve my dreams. In the meantime, I would love to hear what dream are you seeking to achieve. Until next time, I’m CiggyG Post 63 out of 100 #the100dayproject