
  • Rena in Reslife

    So in thinking about this blog and my niche I am still working on narrowing that down. However, I do have a blog with very few posts on it at the moment about a specific part of my world: Reslife or residence life for those not familiar with the slang. If you have yet to subscribe, then here is a spoiler alert: Ciggy is Rena. Rena is Ciggy…shocking to a few, I bet.  Subscribe to this blog to learn the story of how Rena became Ciggy! So for the past decade I have been in working in residence life in some capacity: as an undergraduate, graduate student, intern, and now…

  • June G&V Prompts – Part 2

    If you are just joining in today, please make sure to check out the posts from July 2nd and July 3rd to follow along. Is there purposeful time each day for something you love that fills you and refuels your spirit? I need to be a bit more intentional in my planning to create the space and environment to do them. As of now, there are things that I may do daily that I enjoy or love and if I give them the proper time it would refuel me but as of now it is just something to check off a personal to do list. At one point I thought…

  • June G&V Prompts – Part 1

    Hi there readers, As mentioned yesterday I decided to take a moment to do some journal prompts and today is part 1 of 3 so here goes… What moments in your day make you feel stuck? It’s the small moments that I can’t seem to control that make me feel stuck. Or the silly things that you think you should be able to fix in a quick minute or two that take 20 to 45 minutes and it trips you up. Instead of rushing through monotonous moments, how can you lean in and create space for working, creating and serving in communion with God? Honestly, I think it is taking…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 16

    Question 16: What bothers you most about other people? What do you love most in other people?What bothers you most about yourself? What do you love most about yourself? (Dig until you see the correlation.) Other PeopleNegativity and a pessimistic attitude bothers me the most about other people. It tends to make me not want to engage further and it has a way of bringing about an unpleasant atmosphere. On the contrary, I love someone that is passionate about their dreams and pursuing them in a positive don’t give up fashion. This person without trying to truly is an inspiration to me and someone that motivates me to go after…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 15

    Question 15: If you were to walk through your home and put your hand on every single thing you own, how many of them would make you sincerely feel happy or at peace? Why do you keep the rest? Definitely, a few things but not everything. Most things in my home do have a memory or story attached which is why I keep them. Some items I do not have a rhyme or reason for keeping but I don’t seem to let go. Sometimes I think it may be because I think there will be a purpose for it in the future or it can be useful for someone else.…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 14

    Question 14: If you really believed you didn’t have control over something, you’d accept it as a matter of fact. What do you struggle to accept that you have “no control” over? What part of you makes you think or hope otherwise?Current situations that are beyond my control pertaining to my loved ones are ones that I struggle to accept whether they be health-related or status-related. I hope otherwise mostly because the situations are unfortunate and sucky and I want better for the people involved. I wish I had a say or could help more so but I’d like to keep a positive hope for the future. I also have…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Questions 12 & 13

    Question 12: What are the five most common things in your daily routine aside from the basics such as eating and sleeping? Reading my Bible Plans Practicing French Writing (Blog Posts or Journal) Reading Emails Working on a To-Do List Item (Personal or Work-Related) Question 13: What do you wish those five most common things were instead? Reading Bible & Praying Communicating with Family & Friends (Some in French) 30 Minutes of Exercise Passion Project (Music-Related or Writing) Reading for Fun That’s all for now…but I would love to hear your top 5 currently and what you want them to be. Leave a comment below with your response. Much Love…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 11

    Question 11: If you didn’t have to work anymore, what would you do with your days?I would hang out all day in malls and shopping centers.I would buy whatever I’d like on a great deal with my coupon savings of course! I would read books in the cafe. I would watch a movie or two in the theater.I would try on tons of clothes.I would experiment with my look and style.I would have friends and family over with me and enjoy meals with them in the food court or the fancy restaurants attached to the malls.I would house sit in amazing homes. I would travel to different cities and countries and…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 10

    Question 10: Who from your past are you still trying to earn the acceptance of? I am not sure how this is going to sound but at first no one came to mind and then as I thought about it…it’s me. As a young girl, I had very big dreams and plans for my life (and still do). I had set certain dates and deadlines to achieve things that I have not quite achieved yet from my young girl perspective and in all honesty I think lately now more than ever I would really like to make her proud. I’d like to believe she (me) is proud of me and…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 9

    Question 9: What would be too good to believe if someone were to sit down and tell you what’s coming next in your life?If someone were to tell me all the following things were to happen next:All of your student loans have been forgivenYou’ve been hired to oversee this shopping center/apartment complex In addition to the amazing salary and benefits for this new role, you will be gifted with a condo in your name (a place that is your very own home)Your boyfriend has been granted sponsorship at an amazing finance company here in your current city and doesn’t have to move away.Your Dad & Ma are coming to visit you in…