
  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 8

    Question 8: What are your greatest accomplishments so far?Automatically, what comes to mind is my education. I have been fortunate to be deemed smart (nerd) throughout my childhood and because of that I’ve accomplished the following in regards to academics:Receiving multiple trophies/awards in middle schoolParticipating in the Center for Talented Youth (CTY) program from the ages of 13 through 16Graduating as my high school’s valedictorianGetting into collegeGraduating college with a double major in business and a theater minorGetting into a graduate programGraduating with a masters in education Outside of my academics, I’ve felt accomplishments in other things such as:learning to drive in my early 20spurchasing my first cardriving across the country…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 7

    Question 7: What are a few things you thought you would never get over while you were going through them? Why did they seem so insurmountable? How did you?I’ve been very blessed throughout my life with God always protecting me and a praying momma over me. Being a person of faith doesn’t mean that you do not go through anything and there were and sometimes still are times of insecurity that happened throughout growing up where I felt not good enough and worrying about everything. Some things within my control that I was doing fine in but never felt good enough. And some things that I had absolute no control…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 6

    Question 6: What do you not want anybody else to know about you?This going to be a rather short post because the question implies that the answer is a well-kept secret and if I just wrote it all out here well everybody would know. According to my view counts at the moment, barely anyone is actually reading my blog at the moment (for any readers, I apologize as you are someone, and thanks for tuning in). I point this out because one may say hey no one is reading so this is a safe space…yet this is still very much the internet. But what I don’t want you to know…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 5

    Question 5: Whom do you admire most, and why? There are many people that come to mind, however the person that I call my sister is one that comes to my mind in this response. She is not a blood sister but someone that has welcomed me into her life from the very beginning despite me potentially being a bothersome. She is strong, talented, hard-working, smart, resourceful, beautiful inside and out, definitely a daughter of God, and someone that I am lucky to call my mentor. She is genuine and will tell me the truth not just want I hear, but what I need to hear and she is very…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 4

    Question 4: Based on your daily routines, where will you be in five years? Ten? Twenty?Wowza…this question really has me thinking….In 5 Years…Based on what I’m doing at this point in my life I believe that the next few years are definitely going to take me on a different course. In my current daily routine, I’m intentionally switching it up as I am not a fan of the same old…so within 5 years…I plan to be much more organized with what I am doing and having my priorities in line in regards to what I am focusing on.I hope to be in the midst of enjoying my career and work…

  • Journal Prompt: 16 Questions – Question 2

    Question 2: What would you stand for if you knew that nobody would judge you? This is a powerful question and one that I am trying to understand how to answer.  It appears that this is asking what I would represent or defend without care of judgement.  Honestly, I am struggling to answer that question, I believe that I would go after a lot of things or dreams if there was no judgement.  For example, I love to sing but I’m no singer but I would do that hands down if I had no one judging me. I believe this question is asking me to go deeper and I am…

  • Journal Prompt – Someone that Inspires You

    Hi there, My journal prompt tonight is about someone that inspires me. Truth is I have a few people (close in my life) that fit this bill. Instead of talking about here are some of the characteristics and traits of these inspirational people: Focused Driven Caring  Faithful  Organized Loving Gives Back  Entrepreneurial Achievers Intelligent  Fiscally Responsible Boss B*****  I am so grateful to have the pleasure of knowing these people personally and are truly inspired and encouraged by them on the regular. Until next time,  I’m CiggyG  💚

  • Journal Prompt-Resilience

    Today the journal prompt that I received is all about resiliency – the specific question I received is about advice I would give to my younger self in regards to sticking through hardships. It’s funny because I think my younger self would be great at giving me a pep talk in my current state in this arena. As a child I felt that I constantly persevered and I refused to quit something once I started it. It could have been that I was a bit stubborn too but honestly she kept going no matter what.  I think the one word I could have told her is to be resilient and…

  • 30th Post of the 100 Day Project

    Hi there readers, Back around early April I started #the100dayproject and I have not been doing my best at it as it is now the 1st of June and I am just reaching my 30th post in this project.  I think moving forward in these posts, I may look into journal prompts to guide me so that the content may be clearer.  We will see how it goes but until next time, I’m CiggyG and these are my random impromptu thoughts.

  • Next Steps

    I’ve had the great pleasure to be surrounded by some great voices whether it be colleagues, speakers, new mentors, family, and friends. In all the talks and conversations that I’ve heard I keep hearing the idea about next steps and making sure that I act on them.  Words that I’ve heard include: Take a Leap of Faith Just Jump Step out of the shade and into the sun Follow the energy I can promise you that God will speak to you when you ask Him questions. It may not be this deep spiritual voice from above but when He has a message for you, He will get it to you…