
  • Love Where You R

    Tis the season of love dear dreamers! Yep…that means it is February and love is in the air…typically you think romance and partner love but love expands to much more beyond that…your family, friends, yourself, and I’m learning the space I am in right now. As a very big dreamer I tend to spend a lot of headspace in the future – the what will bes, you know, once you reach certain goals and dreams… However two thoughts and stories come to mind… The first is sometimes you don’t have to wait for this future date to come along and you can go after what you desire right now and…

  • A Dreamer Interview

    Hi there dreamers! It’s finally here. My first Dreamer Interview here on CiggyChat! This has been a loooong time in the making. I recently came across a voice memo journal that I created back in May 2016 where I talked about really making CiggyChat a full blog and doing an interview. I promise you the power of words is real. The things you write and speak aloud do manifest! I can write a whole other post about that and I will one day but back to the matter at hand…the very first dreamer interview is here! I had the pleasure of interviewing the one and only Zebretta Johnson aka Miz.…

  • Happy New Year!!

    Hi Fellow Dreamers!! Pardon the late post but I did want to say Happy New Year to my readers and fellow dreamers! This New Year has been an interesting one. I feel as if I have a God-peace within me right now though there are quite a few things up in the air that would normally make me a freaked out Ciggy! I haven’t quite made real resolutions yet but there are a few goals and things I am hoping for in 2020: Spending time with God more: I am a Christian and honestly need to make sure that I am connecting with Him on the daily and often to…

  • Day by Day

    Last week I mentioned that something big is coming and it is definitely upon us. Though I can’t speak about all that is going on because it isn’t my news to share I can tell you that dreams are being realized and things are definitely coming into reality. In this happening I have been smiling ear to ear because wonderful things are happening all around me. In this idea of dreams coming true or happening it is not the fairy tale ending that we used to read of …happily ever after. No my friend, the moment when your dreams start coming true you are in it. You are actually living…

  • Almost there

    This is the theme of the day almost there… “Theres” that I’m thinking of… A friend so close to reaching one of her big dreams we all sense it Tomorrow being a big day at work aka new student move in Completing this post challenge of 100 posts! In this almost there moment it’s easy to get tripped up or distracted or hurt. It’s like when you’re this close sometimes life is not willing to let you easily cross the finish line. Take a look at this video here. A few weeks ago I heard a great message where this video was used. It was a powerful reminder to turn…

  • Vision Board

    Today, was the day! My friend, Mayra, had her vision board networking event and it was such a great success! The space was packed with a wonderful group of people ready to embark on this intentional process. We reflected on past accomplishments, our mantras and set goals in all aspects of lives prior to getting to the crafty fun that came with creating our vision boards! All boards were gorgeous, creative, and completely unique to each person with their vision. You may see other boards from the day on the instagram but I will share my completed board with you all here! That’s all for today but I am definitely…

  • Going for it!

    Today, I just received some good inspiration and a reminder to go for it! What is it, you may ask? Well that is different for each person and changes at different seasons in one’s life. A few posts back I shared that I am working with my momma on going after some of her dreams and we have a few things in the making. However, today I became aware of something else this amazing woman is trying to do. Check out the video here to learn what she is going for and support. My momma who just celebrated a birthday yesterday has done some great things in her life and…

  • Planning

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future and making plans for it. I shared previously that among my top strengths is Futuristic. So I am constantly thinking about the future. I am the girl that makes 5 and 10 year plans. They don’t always go according to plan but it helps me to have a goal/vision in sight. Generally, I have success or a variation of it that comes from the plan. I typically do this in my work life and was recently asked about what’s next in my personal life. It was a valid question and one I think worth answering but not necessarily one I felt equipped to…

  • Passion

    Is defined in the following ways: Intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction (Merriam-Webster) Strong and barely controllable emotion (Google) When you put more energy into something than is required to do it (Urban Dictionary, top hit) Ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart mind body and soul into something as is possible (Urban Dictionary, top hit) Is simply caring deeply (Dave Ramsey via EntreLeadership) Passion is one of my favorite words. Quite often, I like to describe myself as a passionate person. I believe it has pros and cons. Honestly the cons come into place with the second definition from above that barely controllable piece…

  • The List

    So, I was talking with my roommate the other night and we happen to discuss “the list.” You know the list I am talking about, the one people make movies about. The one most women tend to have in an effort to find the one. Well it just so happen that I did not have a list so she encouraged me to start my own. This at first seemed a bit tough because I am pretty open when it comes to the opposite sex but I decided to start mine anyway so here goes: Ciggy’s List – be determined (have dreams and should be working on achieving them or achieving…