• Planning

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about the future and making plans for it. I shared previously that among my top strengths is Futuristic. So I am constantly thinking about the future. I am the girl that makes 5 and 10 year plans. They don’t always go according to plan but it helps me to have a goal/vision in sight. Generally, I have success or a variation of it that comes from the plan. I typically do this in my work life and was recently asked about what’s next in my personal life. It was a valid question and one I think worth answering but not necessarily one I felt equipped to…

  • Freewrite Sunday

    I think today is a freewrite kind of day. This past month I have taken in quite a lot of information as I try to make moves for the next step in life and getting back on track to my dreams. I believe that is very useful and that I will forever be a learner. However, sometimes you need a moment to stop and just process or better yet reflect on everything. Today’s post is quite short so that I can take a moment to just reflect on what I’ve learned and plan accordingly about the next step. If you’ve been following along lately, you may have noticed that I…

  • Dream Talk

    I can and have spent many a day just talking about my dreams and what the future may hold. I dream at night and in the day about this. For anyone that is familiar with StrengthsFinder, Futuristic is among my Top 5 strengths which explains a lot about my ability to dream. I feel though it is a strength it is a double edge sword and though I dream often about the future…worry about the future trickles in just as often. In my mind, worry is that annoying person that keeps pestering you with the why and how questions versus letting you, you know dream. Sometimes, worry tricks me up…