• Happy Birthday Broham!!

    Today happens to be one of my favorite dreamers’ birthday, William Graham the III, more popularly known as Turtle Will of the True Turtle Empire! To me he’s my not-so-little brother aka my broham! Over a decade ago, he became my role model when he published his first book as a teenager. Since then he has truly stepped into his role as a verbal artist creating stories through music, spoken word, comedy, spoofs, sequels, and scripts! Make sure to check out his work on Instagram and YouTube. This young man is not just a dreamer but a doer and goes after his dreams full out in all areas of life.…

  • A Dreamer Interview

    Hi there dreamers! It’s finally here. My first Dreamer Interview here on CiggyChat! This has been a loooong time in the making. I recently came across a voice memo journal that I created back in May 2016 where I talked about really making CiggyChat a full blog and doing an interview. I promise you the power of words is real. The things you write and speak aloud do manifest! I can write a whole other post about that and I will one day but back to the matter at hand…the very first dreamer interview is here! I had the pleasure of interviewing the one and only Zebretta Johnson aka Miz.…

  • August was a good month!

    Hey there dreamers, August flew by and I didn’t even get a chance to post here…it’s been nonstop in the best way possible. I hope that you have been staying up to date on social media but if not let me tell you what’s been happening… I’ve been writing, learning, creating, chatting, filming, cooking, celebrating, and even working out. That’s right y’all I am just trying to tackle my dreams and goals in all areas. I have also had the pleasure of seeing others’ dreams come to fruition which has truly been an inspiration to see. I’ve seen my close ones step into career roles and positions they were born…

  • Exciting News Coming

    Hi there, dreamers! I’m so excited…can you feel it? The excitement is literally coursing through me right now and The Pointer’s Sister “I’m so excited“ is playing in my head! Why you may ask?? Great question. It’s because I’ve got some new stuff planned for next month!  Ideally, more posts are coming and not just words…that’s right CiggyChat will have a lot more video posts coming your way!! Not just spontaneous or silly videos, though we will have these as well, but interviews!! That has actually been a long time goal of mine to do interviews of fellow dreamers accomplishing their goals and seeing what’s next for them. The first…

  • Black Dreams Matter

      Ciggy Chats #BlackDreamsMatter It saddens me that in 2020 I have to write a post titled “Black Dreams Matter” but in light of what’s going on in the world, there was no way I couldn’t write this. The recent injustices and murders that have happened towards black people are far from new and have been happening for way too long… Honestly, it’s really difficult to even write this post right now… there are so many different feelings running through my mind of being shocked, sad, upset, angry, confused, hurt, nervous, anxious, and even hopeful. Hopeful seems like it doesn’t belong in the mix of words I just used, however,…

  • Celebrate with a Toast!

    Hey there dreamers, During the journey, one must always remember to stop and celebrate along the way. Celebrate the moments, big and small…and when you do I recommend that you do it with a fun drink, short or tall. Victoria, my cousin, happens to be a wiz in the kitchen, and this month we took a moment to just have a fun adult beverage*: Sweet V Treats’ Pina Colada. It was quite a fun and simple recipe so we thought we would share it here! So grab a friend, turn up the music, and remember to celebrate! Until Next Time, I’m Ciggy *Adult beverage – a drink containing alcohol and…

  • Grace & Gratitude

    Hey there fellow dreamers! I couldn’t let April come and go without me sharing an update. This past month was a lot, if I am honest with you, and there were so many different emotions I was going through…I promise you it was an emotional roller coaster. In my last post I discussed decisions and particularly choosing to stay positive and strong in my faith as my mom just went in the hospital last month and was on a ventilator. I am happy to say that she is now home and improving little by little which is truly a blessing. It was a journey to get to this feeling. She…

  • Decisions: How to Choose & Its Impact

    Hi there dreamers, Believe it or not I started this post at the beginning of the month and I am just now getting to finish it. It was going to start with me highlighting this bible study I read that seemed relevant to my topic at hand: “A few years ago I did this women’s bible study entitled “The Best Yes” by Lysa Terkeurst. It was a great study and I remember enjoying it at the time.” and then I was going to discuss the big choice or decision I had to make at the time: “However this month I had to make a choice a decision if you will…

  • Love…

    So this is the month of love. Happy Belated Valentine‘s Day! The other day I had a strong desire to write about love. Like a strong feeling came over me as I was in traffic on my way home to write about love. Love from God (Agape). Love we have for others (Storge, Philios, or Eros). Love we have for our dreams. Love we have for our favorite things. Love is everywhere and in everything. Though I don’t get to write too often, I love writing and I love the fact that I am blessed to have a platform like this to do it in. I love that people (fellow…

  • Happy New Year!!

    Hi Fellow Dreamers!! Pardon the late post but I did want to say Happy New Year to my readers and fellow dreamers! This New Year has been an interesting one. I feel as if I have a God-peace within me right now though there are quite a few things up in the air that would normally make me a freaked out Ciggy! I haven’t quite made real resolutions yet but there are a few goals and things I am hoping for in 2020: Spending time with God more: I am a Christian and honestly need to make sure that I am connecting with Him on the daily and often to…