day by day

  • Godfidence & Gratitude

    Happy New Year Dreamers. I wrote this in the last few days of 2023 but I still wanted to share… Wow its that time of the year again, you know the end of the year and I have so much to be thankful for and grateful. It’s honestly been a year of growth and dreams coming true and reaching new levels. I can say that my faith has been stretched and I’m so grateful because I’m walking in a Godfidence like I’ve never walked in before. Does that mean I’m done dreaming and accomplished every single thing I’ve wanted…no not at all but what it means is that God is…

  • Bridgerton’s Influence

    In honor of the latest season of one of my favorite shows, this post should be read in the style of Bridgerton… Dearest Dreamers, It’s been quite some time since I’ve caught up with you and all I can say is that this year seems to be moving quite swiftly. I would prefer to catch up with you on a more regular basis but alas that was not in the cards these past few months. Last we met, I shared that Lady Ciggy has moved to Atlanta, GA in an effort to go after everything that God has in store for her. I will say that Lady Ciggy is continuing…

  • Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

    Can you believe it is the last week of 2020? What a year this has been! To be honest, this time last year I had no idea of what to expect for 2020. All I knew was that I wanted to pursue a bit more goals personal and business related. I’m happy to say that despite the craziness of the year the needle has moved forward in both areas. It has been a year filled with so much from a pandemic and global shut down, injustice at a breaking point where people all across the world were in protest, and the craziest presidential election in my lifetime. These are things…

  • Black Dreams Matter

      Ciggy Chats #BlackDreamsMatter It saddens me that in 2020 I have to write a post titled “Black Dreams Matter” but in light of what’s going on in the world, there was no way I couldn’t write this. The recent injustices and murders that have happened towards black people are far from new and have been happening for way too long… Honestly, it’s really difficult to even write this post right now… there are so many different feelings running through my mind of being shocked, sad, upset, angry, confused, hurt, nervous, anxious, and even hopeful. Hopeful seems like it doesn’t belong in the mix of words I just used, however,…

  • Grace & Gratitude

    Hey there fellow dreamers! I couldn’t let April come and go without me sharing an update. This past month was a lot, if I am honest with you, and there were so many different emotions I was going through…I promise you it was an emotional roller coaster. In my last post I discussed decisions and particularly choosing to stay positive and strong in my faith as my mom just went in the hospital last month and was on a ventilator. I am happy to say that she is now home and improving little by little which is truly a blessing. It was a journey to get to this feeling. She…

  • Living Now

    Hey Y’all! It’s been a minute since I wrote to you and let me just say that time is flying by…I can’t believe it is already July! Happy New month and early 4th of July to everyone! These past couple of months I have been experiencing a lot of newness in my life and transitions. In all of this I am learning to enjoy the life I have while still going after the one I dream of. You might ask what does that even mean? For me, it is not just living in the future for my dreams, but actually living in the present right now. In all honesty, I have…

  • 29 Days till Christmas!!

    Hi there CiggyChat readers! I am working to get back into a consistent habit of writing and I believe what works for me is a writing challenge. So here begins my 29 Days of Christmas!! Why Christmas and why 29 days, you ask? Great questions and here are my responses: Well the Christmas and holiday season overall is one of my favorites – it is a gorgeous time of the year. A season for family and friends and a time to be thankful! Also why must one wait till the New Year’s to start forming a new habit or get into something different? 29 also happens to be how old…

  • Two Weeks Later…

    Hi there CiggyChat Readers! I apologize for being MIA these past 2 weeks. I went out of town to visit family that I have not seen in 2 years and in the midst of that trip I got sick. Truth be told, I am still a bit sick but definitely better than when I started. So in these past 2 weeks, I had a chance to be with family and rest “doctor’s orders”. Though I hate being sick I am grateful for this time as it kind of forced me to slow down and think about what’s important and try to get my head back into this dreamer’s journey of…

  • Day by Day

    Last week I mentioned that something big is coming and it is definitely upon us. Though I can’t speak about all that is going on because it isn’t my news to share I can tell you that dreams are being realized and things are definitely coming into reality. In this happening I have been smiling ear to ear because wonderful things are happening all around me. In this idea of dreams coming true or happening it is not the fairy tale ending that we used to read of …happily ever after. No my friend, the moment when your dreams start coming true you are in it. You are actually living…

  • Tired

    It’s been a busy few days and I thank God for getting me through them so far. I have more to get through but I’m also grateful for the moments of rest He’s given me as I’m exhausted! Until next time, I am an exhausted Ciggy! Post 94 out of 100 #the100dayproject